Rules: No people or kids in photo Must be just one pet Pet must be alive Pet must reside on the Burin Peninsula No refunds The picture with the most comments, shares, and likes combined will win. Votes can only be made once every 24 hours. Send an emt to burinspcapetphotocontest@gmail.com with your $5 Message: your phone number Then send the picture to burinspcapetphotocontest@gmail.com Don’t forget to tell us the name of the pet to correspond with the EMT. We will be accepting entries throughout the contest.
Stop by The Christmas Store at https://www.facebook.com/groups/burinspcafundraisers The price you see is the price you pay. Please go check it out. You might be able to snag a great deal.
Every year we put forth this initiative to help heat the shelter during the winter. It is often one of the things overlooked by donors. When you make a donation, we will e-mail you a certificate to keep, print, and display. To make a donation through EMT Send your donation to burinpeninsulaspca@gmail.com Security Question?- What is the money for? Answer: warmpaws Message section: Your name, address, and email address or mailing address Burin SPCA P.O. Box 525 Burin Bay Arm NL A0E 1G0
We have our Christmas dates finalized. This time we will be supporting 2 organizations, SPCA & NewLife Rescue ! Please call PTM Pet Supplies 279-4527 and book your time slot. Can’t wait to see you all there. Thanks for your continued support.
Send an EMT to: burinpeninsulaspca@gmail.com Security Question: What is the money for? Security Answer: festivefive Message: Type your name and phone number
Amazing 50/50 Monthly Draw Fundraiser for the Burin Peninsula SPCA. The Burin SPCA has joined forces with Labrador West SPCA, The Happy Valley-Goose Bay SPCA, Baccalieu Trail SPCA, and Gander and Area SPCA for an awesome way to show your support for these 5 local SPCAS. The First Monthly 50/50 Fundraiser will be live on www.rafflebox.ca . To Support your 5 local SPCA branches. Here is how you can get your tickets. 1. Visit http://www.rafflebox.ca/raffle/gander-spca to be taken directly to the fundraiser. 2 .Click on Purchase tickets and Select the number of tickets you would like to buy.Tickets are 1…